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Safe Schools
by Michael A. Wanko, Ph.D.
Or Link - Michael A. Wanko - Rowman & Littlefield
Pub. Date: November 2001 Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Series: Scarecrow Education Book Series ISBN-13: 9780810841758 ISBN: 0810841754 Edition Description: New Edition
Forged from the experiences of a principal whose school and community underwent several tragedies in one year, Safe Schools is a practical guidebook from a proactive leader who has been there. The book is designed to provide the administrator with a step-by-step crisis preparedness evaluation. After working through the checklists and forms in this resource, school leaders will know just how prepared their school is. School climate questionnaires, a three pronged safety plan, training for a crisis management team, and a bibliography of resources will guide administrators as they strive to empower their school and community.
Dr. Michael A. Wanko was a Principal for over 30 years, a Superintendent, and Adjunct Graduate Professor. He has published widely on the principalship, and won numerous awards for his leadership, including the NASSP and MetLife State Principal of the Year Award. In the spring of 2000, USA Weekend Magazine selected BHS as the national model of a safe and supportive school due to the programs instituted by Dr. Wanko.